"If you want to find the secrets of the Universe,think in terms of Energy Frequency and Vibration/Daca vreti sa descoperiti secretele universului ganditi in termeni de Energie, Frecventa si Vibratie" Nicolae Tesla
In prezent investim in autodistrugerea speciei umane si a altor specii prin utilizarea exclusiva a terapiilor cu vector material(chimic), desi inca din antichitate erau cunoscuti si utilizati si alti vectori ai informatiei terapeutice: vectorul energetic(caldura, electricitatea indusa de insertia acelor de acupunctura, magnetismul) si vectorul informational. Este oare de vina monopolul industriei chimice si farmaceutice, care sustine cu fonduri uriase reclama si investitiile in instruirea cadrelor medicale pentru mentinerea programarii/conditionarii actuale de a apela exclusiv la astfel de mijloace terapeutice sau de vina este lipsa noastra de constienta si de discriminare? In plansa de mai jos putem observa locul pe care il ocupa terapiile materiale in raport cu cele energetice si informationale. Sa nu uitam ca niciodata tratarea soldatilor(corp sau invelis subordonat) nu conduce la tratarea generalului(invelis superior in ierarhia de comanda), asa ca maladia tratata prin chimioterapie la nivelul corpului grosier material ramane in planul corpului energetic si informational si se reafiseaza pe ecranul somatic
Nu avem cum sa intelegem obtinerea acestor rezultate terapeutice si a independentei fata de medicamente (vectorul chimic al informatiei terapeutice care polueaza si degradeaza ADN-ul) daca privim doar prin filtrul programarii actuale, care ne-a fost inoculata in cursul conditionarii sau programarii numita educatie sau instruire in scoala. Oricine poate intelege ca deja creierul propriu controleaza toate functiile fiziologice (temperatura, presiune sanguina, apararea, regenerare, reparare) cu ajutorul impulsurilor.Tot prin semnale electrice transmise de simturi contactam universul; vedem,auzim, atingem si gustam , fiindca fiecare organ de simt transforma sau converteste lumina, sunetul, caldura, presiunea sau compozitia chimica a hranei ori a aerului (gust, miros) in semnale sau impulsuri electrice. Deja au fost simulate gusturile primare (dulce,acru, sarat, amar, iute) prin impulsuri electrice de diferite frecvente aplicate unui electrod tinut pe limba. In mod similar creierul interpreteaza impulsurile electrice transmise, in aria vizuala a neocortexului, de catre o suprafata matriciala de electrozi drept imagini(s-a realizat inlocuirea ochiului la cei orbi cu o camera de luat vederi matriciala)
Exista doua strategii pt. vindecare:
1. Proteze (generatoare de impulsuri, implanturi care reproduc impulsurile generate de creier; implantarea de creiere artificiale).
In aceasta directie s-au realizat implanturi generatoare de impulsuri pt.maladiile care nu mai raspund nici macar la doze mari de medicamente (depresie, boala Parkinson, tulburari cardiace). Cercetarea pe care am realizat-o in aceasta directie m-a condus la metodele cunoscute si utilizate in preistorie pe intreaga planeta (Atlantida, Mu), metode care au fost pastrate si in Medicina Traditionala Chineza . Ma refer atat metodele de vindecare care utilizeaza contactul material direct: acupunctura, moxibustia, presopunctura, cat si la metode de vindecare fara contact, care au fost tinute secrete din motive lesne de inteles: qigong, reiki, campuri magnetice, orgonice si morphogenetice. In urma acestor cercetari am creat dispozitivul Qi MAGEN (care elimina dezavantajul generatoare de impulsuri implantate), unde termenul Qi, Chi sau Ki(in lb. japoneza) desemneaza energia vitala; vedeti detalii la siturile de mai jos :
Orice vector material(chimic) sau energetic(impulsuri externe sau interne) are un singur scop: transmiterea informatiei terapeutice.
Identitatea dintre materie(forma infasurata, potentiala, grosiera a energiei) si energie (forma libera, desfasurata, cinetica ) a fost demonstrata. Dar energia electromagnetica exista sub mai multe forme de polarizare; vedeti articolul despre erori comune asupra energiei vitale subtile: Prana, Chi, Qi, Ki, Mana, Orgon /Common errors on subtle vital energy Prana, Chi, Qi, Ki, Mana, Orgone; la adresa de mai jos:
O noua cale de a utiliza din afara stiinta implanturilor prin folosirea convertorilor de camp electromagnetic in campuri M (Morphogenetice, longitudinale, scalare), a caror eficienta a fost deja dovedita de catre dispozitivul Qi MAGEN creat de Mirahorian, campuri care nu sunt ecranate de incintele conductoare( corpul uman; cusca Faraday nu poate bloca campurile scalare, cele polarizate longitudinal (gravitatia) axial( timpul), si cele statice sau cu variatie lenta, precum campul magnetic terestru; o busola, inchisa intr-o cutie metalica, inca lucreaza).
Actuala varianta Qi MAGEN 2009 foloseste un convertor care genereaza 3 tipuri de semnale simultan: campuri M(morfogenetice, longitudinale si scalare) , impulsuri magnetice si acustice si tine cont de transmisia localizata si delocalizata prin corpul uman, vazut ca un dielectric [ in fizica cuantica, o parte a fotonului este localizata si o parte nonlocalizata, extinzandu-se in tot universul]
A new way to use the science of implants from outside due to M-Field Convertors used by QI MAGEN device created by Mirahorian(Faraday cages cannot block static and slowly varying magnetic fields, such as Earth's magnetic field (a compass will still work inside).
Qi MAGEN 2005( acest dispozitiv nu se mai fabrica de la sfarsitul lui 2005; aceasta varianta emitea numai 7 tipuri de impulsuri magnetice prin comutarea celor 3 butoane(apasate cate unul, cate doua, apasate simultan toate trei)
QI MAGEN 2006( acest dispozitiv nu se mai fabrica de la sfarsitul lui 2008, fiindca a fost cesionat; aceasta varianta emitea 99 tipuri de impulsuri magnetice);
Actuala varianta QI MAGEN 2009 utilizeaza pt stocarea si redarea impulsurilor un CD Player sau un MP4 Player si un convertor care genereaza trei tipuri de impulsuri simultan(acustice, magnetice si de energie vitala subtila: scalare, longitudinale si morfogenetice)
Teoria cuantica a campului recunoaste patru tipuri de polarizari ale energiei fotonului : dupa axa x- si/sau y-(foton transversal), dupa axa z-(foton longitudinal), si dupa axa timpului t-, (foton polarizat in timp sau foton scalar). Fotonul individual longitudinal sau scalar nu este observabil. Combinatia dintre un foton longitudinal si unul scalar este observabila sub forma aparitiei unui potential scalar instantaneu [F. Mandl and G. Shaw, Quantum Field Theory, Wiley, 1984, Chapter 5].
Aceste polarizari ale undelor electromagnetice sunt responsabile de reintoarcerea in timp a celulelor [de regenerare, de restabilirea sistemului imunitar; de vindecarea fracturilor osoase descoperita de Robert O. Becker, ("The significance of bioelectrical potentials," Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, Vol.1, 1974, p. 191.) unde s-au aplicat trei tipuri de semnale:
1. Semnal in curent continuu de f. mica intensitate (pico amperi);
2. Semnal in curent continuu pulsat ;
3. Semnal sub forma de camp magnetic pulsat .
Vindecarile miraculoase obtinute de Antoine Prioré indica faptul ca sistemul celular de regenerare manipuleaza si foloseste campurile electromagnetice longitudinale interne, care controleaza curbura Spatiu-Timp[T. E. Bearden, J. New Energy, 5(1), 11-23 (2000)].
[Antoine Prioré patents:
"Apparatus for producing radiations penetrating living cells," U.S. Patent No. 3,368,155, Feb. 6, 1968.
"Method of producing radiations for penetrating living cells," U.S. Patent No. 3,280,816, Oct. 25, 1966.
"Procede et dispositif de production de rayonnements utilisables notamment pour le traitement de cellules vivantes,"; Procedure and Assemblage for Production of Radiation Especially Serviceable for the Treatment of Living Cells; Republique Francais Brevet d'Invention P.V. No. 899.414, No. 1,342,772, Oct. 7, 1963.]
"Stiinta medicala actuala analizeaza astfel de lucruri precum celulele canceroase, teratoma in termeni de biochimie si doar prin prisma modelului biochimic. Daca ne intoarcem insa la nivelul de baza al intregii chimii vom descoperi un ansamblu de sarcini si de distributie a sarcinilor electrice, impreuna cu campurile lor asociate". [T. E. Bearden, "Amplifying the cellular regenerative (healing) system of the body for treatment and healing of mass casualties, The "Porthole" Concept with technical background]
Istoria Qi Magen in Prezentarea Metodei de Relaxare Pilotata
Centrii de energie subtila(Chakra, Tantien) in diferite traditii de pe Terra/Subtle energy centers in various spiritual traditions on Earth: Chakra, Tantien
Mirahorian,Qi Magen and the Secret Science of Qi (Ki; Chi) Vital Energy Projection Mirahorian, Qi Magen si stiinta secreta a proiectiei Energiei Vitale Qi (Ki;Chi)
Nicolae Tesla:"Nothing exists in the Universe that does not have vibration"
"All matter comes from a primary substance, the Akasha, or luminiferous ether," "Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine." Nothing exists in the Universe that does not have vibration “The practical success of an idea, irrespective of its inherent merit, is dependent on the attitude of the contemporaries. If timely it is quickly adopted; if not, it is apt to fare like a sprout lured out of the ground by warm sunshine, only to be injured and retarded in its growth by the succeeding frost.” "The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concetrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power".(Nikola Tesla)
Qi (Ki;Chi)moves things without touch on Chinese TV !
Qi(Ki;Chi)Projection/Camp defensiv/Proiectia Qi "If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of Energy ,Frequency and Vibration"said Nikola Tesla "Daca vrei sa descoperi secretele universului,gandeste in termeni de Energie ,Frecventa si Vibratie" spunea Nikola Tesla
Qi(Ki;Chi)Projection/Camp defensiv/Proiectia Qi
"If we do not expect the unexpected, we will never find it." - Heraclitus
"Descoperirile nu apar decat in mintile pregatite" , zicea Louis Pasteur"
Chance favors the prepared mind ", remarked Louis Pasteur "
Imposibilul exista doar in mintile neputinciosilor.Imposibilul e doar putin mai greu de realizat. Atata tot."(Napoleon)
The science and technology of medicine using contact and non-contact (distant) healing were initially one, and then split into two(a hidden part that was secret,accessible only to a few in power ,a classified science and technology of qi projection from which we find today only fragments in :Qigong,Reiki,Non-Verbal Hypnosis ,..), are now approaching reunion.
Stiinta si tehnologia medicala in care vindecarea se realizeaza cu si fara contact (de la distanta) erau initial una, apoi s-au despartit in doua: stiinta medicala actuala si o parte secretizata, accesibila doar catorva initiati aflati la putere... din care regasim fragmente in Qigong, Reiki, Hipnoza nonverbala);azi cele doua parti se apropie de reuniune.
Think in terms of Energy,Vibration, Frequency and Information and discover that today's medical sciences use exclusively medication as a material vector of energy and information to control psychosomatic disorders..this material vector of energy and information is represented by chemical drugs that pollute our food, body and alter our DNA. Is it too radical to suggest that the body and the mind can be affected directly by energy as a vector of therapeutic information in the same way in which our brain uses impulses to control all physiological parameters: fever, blood pressure, sugar level, pain,anxiety,depression,insomnia ?
This site is about ancient and future medical science that will use the conversion of resonant impulses of electromagnetic energy (light,electric and magnetic impulses),similar to those impulses generated by our own brain into the vital Healing Energy (Qi,Chi,Ki,Orgone;M-Field,Torsion field); a site about revolutionary therapeutic devices for DNA Repair,Regeneration and treatment using projection of Healing Energy to control all the psychosomatic functions;A breakthrough in Medical Science and Technology of Advanced Civilizations for the treatment of the gross and subtle disorders of the material,energy and information bodies;Its Applications:Healing,Anesthesia, Sleep induction,Weight Loss,Longevity,Indefinite Life Prolonging,Regeneration, DNA Repair, Beauty Care & Cosmetics,Growth control of tissues-Breast increase,Extension of Sensory Inputs (Seeing in other frequency domains,Energy Drugs,Orgasm;Intoxication;Pleasure activation);Technological Synchronization for Awakening,Centering,Alignment,Mind Control,Programming,Superlearning, Memory extension,Supernatural Powers (Defensive field, Invulnerability,Invisibility, Levitation,Telepathic synchronization, Space-Time Travel,Teleportation, Fire Walking, Memory activation to explore the Past Lives,Remote Viewing,OBE,NDE),using available short video clips for illustration (Qigong;Qi Projection;prana projection)
See more on:/Pentru detalii vedeti linkurile de mai jos:
Qigong master projecting his Chi(Qi;Ki) energy-An advanced qigong master projects his Chi energy through people. Qigong master projecting his Chi(Qi;Ki) Energy 1
Qigong master projecting his Chi(Qi;Ki) Energy 2
The history of this topic is extensive,extending back thousands of years. Ancient spiritual tradition of India, 5000 years ago, spoke of an universal energy called Prana.This universal energy is the source of all life. The breath of life moves through all forms to give them life. Yogis work with this energy with breathing techniques, meditation, and physical exercise to produce altered states of consciousness and longevity. The ancient Qigong masters in China were practicing 3,000 years ago, their meditative discipline to balance and invigorate the Human Energy Field (HEF).
They called Qi (chi;ki) this vital energy that pervades all forms, both animate and inanimate.
"Chi - Breath of Life" is the fundamental life energy that permeates all living things. The movement of Chi harmonizes and invigorates, bringing greater health and vitality. To nurture Chi is the path of abundant aliveness.
Qigong Master Jo, boils water with hands(Pyrokinesis) under an infrared camera. Pyrokinesis in action! This is too much to believe.
The Japanese character "Ki" is the same as the Chinese character that refer to "Qi" or "Chi".
The inner strength or Key Energy Japanese Qigong(kikou) doctor Kanzawa relaxes animals and puts them to sleep using Ki Projection
The Qi is the vital energy of the body; while gong means the skill of moving this Qi and working with it. Practitioners use mind control to move and control the Qi to not only improve health and longevity, but also to enhance awareness, psychic powers, and spiritual development. The ancient Qigong masters also developed Tai Chi, Kung Fu, and the martial arts. In addition, they made the first model for acupuncture. Acupuncturists insert needles, or use moxa, or put magnets at specific acupuncture points to balance the yin and yang of the human energy field. When the Qi is balanced, the entity has good health. When the Qi is unbalanced, the entity has poor or impaired health.
The Kabbalah, the Jewish mystical teachings written about 538 B.C., calls these energies the astral light.
Later on, Christian paintings and sculptures show a halo around the head of Christ and other spiritual leaders. Similarly, we see this halo on statues and paintings of Buddha, and also see energy or light coming from the fingers of many of the gods of India.
Human Energy Field (HEF)
In fact, there are references made to the phenomenon of the HEF(Human Energy Field -abbreviated as HEF or Aura) of the body, in 97 different cultures, according to John White in his book "Future Science." The history of medicine similarly reflects a fascination with the observation of the HEF(Human Energy Field -abbreviated as HEF or Aura) and its study. Back in 500 B.C., the Pythagoreans believed that there is a universal energy pervading all of nature. They taught that its light could effect cures in sick patients. Liebault said that humans have an energy that can react on someone else's energy, either at a distance or close by. According to Liebault, a person can have either an unhealthy or a healthy effect on someone else -- just by being present. The HEF of one person may be harmonious, or it maye be discordant with another. The HEF of one person may be nurturing, or it may be draining to the HEF of another. In the 1800's, Mesmer, the father of modern hypnotism, suggested that a field similar to an electromagnetic field might exist around the human body. Mesmer suggested that the power of this electromagnetic field, which he believed behaved as a fluid, might also be able to exert influence on the field of another. In the mid-1800's, Count Von Reichenbach spent 30 years experimenting with the human energy field, whcih he called the odic field. He found that this field showed many properties which were similar to the electromagnetic field described by James Clark Maxwell in the early 1880's. However, Von Reichenbach also showed that with the odic force, like poles attract. In other words, like attracts like. In his work, "Physico-physiological Researches on the Dynamics of Magnetism, Electricity, Heat, Light, Crystallization, and Chemism, In Their Relation to Vital Force", printed in New York in 1851, Von Reichenbach showed that electropositive elements gave his subjects feelings of warmth, and that this produced unpleasant feelings. In the reverse, electronegative elements produced cool and agreeable feelings. He also found that the odic field could be conducted through a wire. It traveled slowly at 13 feet per second. This speed depended on the density of the wire rather than its conductivity. He showed that part of this odic field could be focused like a light through a lens, while another part of this odic field would flow around the lens, like a candle flame flows around something placed in its path. Air currents would also move this part of the odic field. This suggests a composition similar to a gas. Von Reichenbach's experiments suggest the odic or auric field is energetic, like a light wave, and also particulate, like a fluid. Also, he showed the right side of the body as being a positive pole, and the left as negative. This agrees with the ancient Chinese principles of yin and yang
Qigong master John Chang sets newspaper on fire with his bare hand (pyrokinesis)!!! Lawrence Blair returns to the legendary Magus of Java to shoot even more mind blowing footage.
Qigong (气功), or "exercising the Qi"
Qi Gong, Qigong or Chi kung is an aspect of traditional Chinese medicine involvingthe coordination of different breathing patterns with various physical postures and motions of the body. Qigong is mostly taught for health maintenance purposes, but there are also some who teach it as a therapeutic intervention. Various forms of traditional qigong are also widely taught in conjunction with Chinese martial arts, and are especially prevalent in the advanced training of what are known as the Neijia, or internal martial arts where the object is the full mobilization and proper coordination and direction of the energies of the body as they are applied to facilitate all physical actions.There are currently more than 3,300 different styles and schools of qigong. Qigong relies on the traditional Chinese belief that the body has something that might be described as an "energy field" generated and maintained by the natural respiration of the body, known as qi(ki in japanese ). Qi means breath or gas in Chinese, and, by extension, the energy produced by breathing that keeps us alive; gong means work applied to a discipline or the resultant level of technique. Qigong is then "breath work" or the art of managing one's breathing in order to achieve and maintain good health, and (especially in the martial arts) to enhance the energy mobilization and stamina of the body in coordination with the physical process of respiration.
"Qi Gong" (literally "breath exercise"),is an invaluable component of traditional Chinese medicine that has its origin in ancient times. Its primary stimulus was the search for longevity with the ultimate aim of immortality, which has so entranced the Chinese mind for centuries. The records shows the exercises to help the "qi" (the human body's vital energy) circulating freely and to nourish the internal organs dated to the Shang Dynasty (16th-11th centuries B.C.). The actual practice of "qigong" began in the fourth century A.D. Since then the search by physician and patient for greater health, techniques of religious cultivation and the martial artist's quest for better training methods all contributed greatly to its development and enrichment over the following centuries. The Taoist, Buddhist, Confucian, Medical and Martial schools of practice developed. Unique to China only, Qigong has become an integral part of the the Chinese culture. Qigong exercise can produce a myriad of beneficial effects, of which the most common are preventing and curing diseases, strengthening the constitution, avoiding premature aging, and prolonging life. Qigong exercise requires one to relax, to be calm, natural and free from distractions, so that it can remove "stress," and dispel tension. Qigong exercise helps to keep the main and collateral channels in good shape to establish harmony between vital energy and blood, to balance between Yin and Yang, and improve coordination of the nervous system, so that protective inhibition of the cerebral cortex can be enhance. Qigong exercise helps to reduce fundamental metabolism, increase the capacity of storing energy, apply massage to the abdomen and improve appetite and brings good digestion. Qigong exercise helps to tap the body potentialities, stimulate positive factors, and enhance one's self-control. Therefore, it becomes an effective measure to attain health and longevity. Qigong masters and medical practitioners have developed a theory from a wealth of experience and practice of Qigong over many centuries. The modern scientific research and evaluation of qigong exercise has attracted increasing attention from academic and intellectual circles around the world.
This may bring the benefits of qigong intellectual to light, but it may leave mechanistic dogmatism to Qigong phenomena.
Qi, Tai Chi, Qigong, Chinese medicine. Dr. Roger Jahnke, author of Healer Within, ... terminal cancer and paralysis following stroke with Qi projection. ...
Qigong (气功), or "exercising the Qi" -- the vital life force in one's body -- is considered to be a part of traditional Chinese medicine in preventive and therapeutic health care. Qigong is commonly considered as mysterious and profound. Deeply rooted in traditional Chinese culture -- especially in the unique concepts of the Yin and Yang, five elements of nature and Jingluo (经络, main and collateral channels) in the human body -- it is inseparable from ancient Chinese philosophy, medicine and religion. According to Chinese philosophy, everything, including the universe, is interrelated and in a state of constant flux where human organisms are microcosms of the universe. Everything is inter-related and interacts with the five basic elements -- wood, fire, earth, gold (or metal) and water(木,火,土,金,水), constantly interacting among the opposing and unifying forces - the Yin and Yang(阴,阳). Health is achieved when equilibrium is maintained; sickness appears when the balance is broken. This is the basic law governs all humans and nature. It is said that the Qi flows through all of the Yin and Yang organs. A deficiency of Qi in any organ means the organ is out of balance. The inter-relatedness of all organs ensures that the Qi flows properly throughout the body. One has to reach a peaceful state of mind and be in harmony with his or her surroundings to maintain good health. Qigong is a health-oriented art involving the body and mind that helps prevent disease and cures illnesses, making life more pleasant. Qigong smoothes the process of delivering oxygen to cells, reduces stress and improves bowel functions. Good for treating mental disabilities and stress, the Qi exercises bring one to a state of meditation where distress and anxiety are driven away and positive thinking with great confidence is affirmed. In this state, concentration can also be easily achieved. Through the exercises one gains control of his or her body and develops good feelings about life. This, in turn, stimulates the circulation of blood and the Qi. To achieve this practitioner must adjust his mind, posture and breathing and act on the whole organism. On one hand, this actively self-regulates the functional activities of the organism and maintains a dynamic equilibrium. On the other hand, it enables the body to produce an "energy-storing" reaction, reduce energy consumption and increase energy accumulation, which helps regulate the Yin and Yang and smooth the channels and collaterals to emit the external Qi. The easy and convenient exercises add to the popularity of Qigong, which can be performed virtually anywhere and at any time, requiring little more than an open mind. The exercises themselves are generally slow and gentle, and are thus suitable for people of varying ages and health conditions. The elderly and even people suffering from ailments can benefit from Qigong. Chinese doctors have applied Qigong in hospitals and clinics to treat individuals suffering from a variety of ailments, including arthritis, asthma, bowel problems, constipation, diabetes, gastritis, headaches, heart disease, hypertension, lower back pain, sleeplessness, stress, obesity, neurasthenia and even cancer. The exercises can help treat aphasia, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and post-stroke syndrome. They are also especially useful in alleviating chronic pain and chronic disorders of the digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems.
A master of Qigong (deep breathing energy) is performing his stunt of belly resisting electric drilling in Hefei of Anhui Province
Today, millions of Chinese are practicing Qigong -- some for treatment and most for exercise. Qigong allows people to experience higher levels of energy and stamina and is believed to slow down the aging process. While Qigong may not be effective in treating acute illnesses or medical emergencies, it is ideal for preventing some diseases and treating certain chronic conditions or disabilities.
Qi(Ki;Chi)Projection/Camp defensiv/Proiectia Qi French master Jacques-Jean Quéro demonstrates and explains to-ate, or contactless projection using Qi(Ki;Chi)
Master Young's Chi powers
Jack Hogan puts student K.O. contactless
Qi Gong Show - Master Carlos Lee
Qigong demo 01-A couple of guys make standing people swaying redirecting their energies
Despite the advances of modern medical science which is but 1,000 years old or less, many ailments could not be treated. It is rare for the desperate patients to chance upon a lasting cure. Here is a record of one.
6 healing sounds
Visit www.taichihealthways.com for more videos. Preview this best-selling instructional DVD.
Master Tsao teaches this ancient Chinese Qigong practice in detail, with repetitions for each sound