Virus-breaking radiationViral infections, from influenza to Ebola, have proven to be difficult or impossible to treat effectively because most modern drugs, apart from some vaccines, are ineffective.
Qi Magen ! O strapungere in infectiile virale: HIV, SIDA, gripa aviara, gripa porcina sau mexicana, H5N1, H1N1
Dr. Robert Strecker: "viruses have a periodic structure that can be broken by EM radiation"
Mirahorian:"Quasi crystalline periodic structure of viruses is vulnerable to resonant electromagnetic fields"
Lista de impulsuri produsa de Qi Magen include si pe cele pt virusul gripei aviare asiatice, dupa cum se poate vedea in imaginea marita la adresa de mai jos :
care se afla pe:

Immunology experiment of the qigong
Un articol despre efectul imunologic al radiatiei QI GONG se afla la adresa:
Professor Feng Lida of the general hospital of Chinese navy combines with the qigong master, has opened up the research of qigong immunology1. Function on the virus of electromagnetic radiation of the qigong:
Regard standard influenza virus as samples. It verifies, there is function of wounding on influenza virus in the electromagnetic radiation of the qigong that the the result of the hemagglutination titrimettic. Blood cell corpuscle result tested to absorb find electromagnetic radiation of qigong make influenza virus absorb to chicken and cavy blood cell corpuscle ability at all disappear. Result that plaque test indicate electromagnetic radiation of qigong make influenza virus is it form to cell empty active function of plaque reduce greatly to corrode, the function on the serum of person who carries virus of hepatitis B of electromagnetic radiation of the qigong is very obvious too.2. Function on the tumour cell of electromagnetic radiation of the qigong: The experiment indicates that " electromagnetic radiation of the qigong " can suppress and wound bacteria , virus and even cancer cell , qigong biological laser electromagnetic wave .... Acting on the cancer cell of gastric gland, the stomach cancer cell's chromosome distortion rate obviously shows and increases, chromatid to exchange, rupture for structure to present, pair some kinetochre proportion increase, the function suppressed , differentiation and wounding is obvious.The function on various kinds of bacteria of electromagnetic radiation of having the qigong is tested, to animal's test on immune function.
Cum a aparut aceasta amenintare ?
"Este clar, de la inceput, ca nu este o aparitie naturala a virusului. Virusuri de gripa porcina de pe trei continente diferite, combinate cu un virus de pasare si unul uman. Cum se poate imbolnavi un porc de gripa de la alt porc care a calatorit pe trei continente diferite? Gripa porcina trece de la porc la om(3 cazuri intr-un an pe intreaga planeta) si acolo se opreste, insa aceasta tulpina trebuia sa asigure transmisia de la om la om, prin includerea virusului gripei aviare"..Lista anomaliilor continua in articolul de mai jos...
"From the start of this outbreak it was clear that this was not a natural emergence of a virus. Pig virus from three different continents, an avian virus, and human virus. How does one catch a swine flu from a pig that has traveled to three different continents? Swine flu normally travels from a pig to a human and there stops, but this strain was to ensure human to human transmission by including human flu virus. The list of anomalies in this incidence is long, and has eyebrows raised all around the world. Yet another suspicion is the means by which citizens, primarily children, were infected in the US when they have not traveled or had exposure to pigs. Outbreaks normally have a trail that can be followed, this one infects that one who travels and infects yet another. But here there are great leaps. It frankly looks planted, and it is" from:
Actuala situatie a fost precedata de incidentul din Austria, anuntat in 18 aprilie 2009
Baxter: Product contained live bird flu virus/ April 18, 2009
People familiar with biosecurity rules are dismayed by evidence that human H3N2 and avian H5N1 viruses somehow co-mingled in the Orth-Donau facility
Oamenii familiari cu regulile de biosecuritate sunt uimiti de evidentele care atesta ca virusul uman H3N2 si cel al gripei aviare H5N1 au fost cumva asociate in laboratorul austriac din Orth-Donau
Life is a oneness. Everything and everyone everywhere is connected.
Viata este o unitate. Totul si fiecare de oriunde este interconectat
Don't underestimate the risks. The WHO's escalation from Alert Level 3 to Alert Level 4 is serious.
Nu subestimati riscurile. Ridicarea alertei de catre WHO(Organizatia Mondiala a Sanatatii) de la nivelul 3 la nivelul 4(si ieri 29.04.2009 la nivelul 5) este un lucru f. serios
Avian Flu Research Sheds Light on Swine Flu Outbreak
Cercetarile asupra gripei aviare arunca o lumina asupra izbucnirii gripei porcine
See in this article the graphic that shows why the Type A virus can't be eradicated.
Vedeti in acest articol cauza pt care gripa declansata de virusul de tip A nu poate fi eradicata
Swine Flu: 5 Things You Need to Know About the Outbreak
Gripa porcina: 5 lucruri care trebuie cunoscute despre izbucnire
The H1N1 swine flu virus has already been identified as a new virus, with genes from human and avian flus as well as the swine variety
Virusul gripei porcine H1N1 a fost identificat ca un nou virus, cu gene atat de la gripa umana si de la gripa aviara, cat si de la varietatea porcina.
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1
Gripa cu virus A subtip H5N1
Treatment and prevention for humans
Tratament si prevenire la oameni
Nu exista tratement eficient pt gripa de tip H5N1, insa oseltamivir (comercial pus pe piata de Roche sub denumirea de: Tamiflu), poate uneori inhiba virusul sa se raspandeasca in corp. In septembrie, 2006, un expert de la WHO(Organizatia Mondiala a Sanatatii) a anuntat ca studiile realizate au confirmat cazuri de tulpini H5N1 rezistente la Tamiflu si Amantadine. Tulpinile rezistente la Tamiflu au aparut si in UE, dar au ramas sensibile la Relenza
There is no highly effective treatment for H5N1 flu, but oseltamivir (commercially marketed by Roche as Tamiflu), can sometimes inhibit the influenza virus from spreading inside the user's body. In September, 2006, a WHO expert announced that studies had confirmed cases of H5N1 strains resistant to Tamiflu and Amantadine.Tamiflu-resistant strains have also appeared in the EU, which remain sensitive to Relenza
A One Minute Cure for All Diseases
Tratamentul ar consta in ingestia de "apa oxigenata"(35%), peroxid
de hidrogen(H2O2) ,
care nu este pt uz intern"(35%), diluata cu apa,
care este luata pe stomacul gol [nu stiu cum se poate ca o
substanta coroziva sa fie etichetata pt. uz intern in SUA ]
This cure appears to be based around the ingestion of diluted hydrogen peroxide solutions. Food grade hydrogen peroxide, 35%, diluted with water on an empty stomach
Un prieten din SUA, care avea o boala virotica incurabila, a utilizat zilnic 7 picaturi de apa oxigenata la un pahar de apa, timp de trei saptamani , apoi de doua ori pe saptamana si in final o data pe saptamana
My friend told me she used it, 7 drops in an eight oz glass of water, for three weeks, then twice a week and then once a week.
Acum o foloseste o data pe saptamana si a ramas fara apa oxigenata. Aceasta fost retrasa de pe rafturi anul trecut (decizie guvernamentala- fiindca oamenii nu au avut grija si au folosit mai mult de 7 picaturi pe zi- in mod sigur aceasta substanta coroziva, folosita in dezinfectare, are potential letal)
Whe now uses it once a month, but has run out of it. They took it off the shelves last year (gov. regulations/people were careless with it and killed themselves by using more than the seven drops a day- there is no doubt that it is potentially lethal).
Dieta din fructe, vegetale seminte si nuci(alune, migdale)- consumate in mare majoritate crude !
Nu consumati lucruri procesate industrial precum: paine, zahar, dulciuri, medicamente, cafea, alcool
Fruits and vegetables diet - mostly raw! Get your pH to be alkaline. DO NOT consume man made stuff such as bread, sugar, cookies, drugs, caffeine, alcohol, practically everything LEGAL other than fruits, vegetables, seeds & nuts
Desigur ca rugaciunea este gratis,
dar efectul acesteia depinde de modul in care ne rugam.
Va rugati ramanand in lumea cuvintelor?
Sau va rugati apeland la emotii(iubire, predare catre divinitate) ?
Va aflati inca in lumea umbrelor si a neputintei, captivi in pestera lui Platon
Metoda de intrare in starea necesara pt. a declansa vindecarea maladiilor este expusa in siturile deicate trezirii pilotate:
Gregg Braden spunea ca:
"trucul consta in a crede ca rugaciunea deja s-a implinit"
asta preupune fie eliberarea, fie simularea ei(plasarea in vijnanamaya kosha)
Mirahorian: Metoda de Relaxare prin Pilotare Auditiva
Mirahorian: Metoda de Relaxare prin Pilotare Auditiva este o cale antica pentru trezire, reamintirea adevaratei noastre identitati, vindecare, slabire, scadere in greutate, cresterea performantelor (artistice, mentale, sportive), invatare rapida si acces la Banca de Date a Universului
Mirahorian: Guided Relaxation an ancient way for awakening, recalling or remembering our true identity, healing, weight loss, increase in artistic, mental and athletic or sports performances, superlearning and access to the Data Bank of the Universe
See more on:
Indeed, prayer is free, but the effect of the prayer depends on the way you're praying. Are you praying with your words? Or are you praying with your emotions?
"The trick is believing that the prayer has already happened" -Gregg Braden
Alte recomandari
Wigmore diet with lots of wheatgrass juice .
Research Intravenous Vitamin C, Vitamin B17 + Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Diets Cancer Cure, DCA Cancer Cure, ImmunoVaccine Halifax (Drug Company Cancer Cure), the Fruit Called Graviola, Provectus Pharmaceutical PVCT Cancer Cure,J ohn Kanzius/Royal Raynmond Rife Treatments for Cancer, Sodium Bicarbonate Cancer Treatment. And Last but Not Least the Work of Dr Brahmbhatt and Dr MacDiarmid and their groundbreaking drug delivering systems for Cancer. Also QiGong/Tai Chi/Pranic Healing.
"Bicarbonatul de sodiu, o cale naturala de vindecare a cancerului, micozelor si a aciditatii sanguine"(prietenul meu, Petru Groza, profesor la catedra de fiziologie a Facultatii de Medicina si director alInstitutului de Fiziologie Normala si Patologica "D. Danielopolu" il folosea zilnic)
Sodium bicarbonate, a natural way to treat the cancer
Cancer is Fungus /Cancerul este o ciuperca
A prominent Italian oncologist explains his view that cancer is fungus and can be easily treated. Fascinating viewing. For more, see Dr. Mercola's site.