"If you want to find the secrets of the Universe,think in terms of Energy Frequency and Vibration/Daca vreti sa descoperiti secretele universului ganditi in termeni de Energie, Frecventa si Vibratie" Nicolae Tesla
In prezent investim in autodistrugerea speciei umane si a altor specii prin utilizarea exclusiva a terapiilor cu vector material(chimic), desi inca din antichitate erau cunoscuti si utilizati si alti vectori ai informatiei terapeutice: vectorul energetic(caldura, electricitatea indusa de insertia acelor de acupunctura, magnetismul) si vectorul informational. Este oare de vina monopolul industriei chimice si farmaceutice, care sustine cu fonduri uriase reclama si investitiile in instruirea cadrelor medicale pentru mentinerea programarii/conditionarii actuale de a apela exclusiv la astfel de mijloace terapeutice sau de vina este lipsa noastra de constienta si de discriminare? In plansa de mai jos putem observa locul pe care il ocupa terapiile materiale in raport cu cele energetice si informationale. Sa nu uitam ca niciodata tratarea soldatilor(corp sau invelis subordonat) nu conduce la tratarea generalului(invelis superior in ierarhia de comanda), asa ca maladia tratata prin chimioterapie la nivelul corpului grosier material ramane in planul corpului energetic si informational si se reafiseaza pe ecranul somatic
Nu avem cum sa intelegem obtinerea acestor rezultate terapeutice si a independentei fata de medicamente (vectorul chimic al informatiei terapeutice care polueaza si degradeaza ADN-ul) daca privim doar prin filtrul programarii actuale, care ne-a fost inoculata in cursul conditionarii sau programarii numita educatie sau instruire in scoala. Oricine poate intelege ca deja creierul propriu controleaza toate functiile fiziologice (temperatura, presiune sanguina, apararea, regenerare, reparare) cu ajutorul impulsurilor.Tot prin semnale electrice transmise de simturi contactam universul; vedem,auzim, atingem si gustam , fiindca fiecare organ de simt transforma sau converteste lumina, sunetul, caldura, presiunea sau compozitia chimica a hranei ori a aerului (gust, miros) in semnale sau impulsuri electrice. Deja au fost simulate gusturile primare (dulce,acru, sarat, amar, iute) prin impulsuri electrice de diferite frecvente aplicate unui electrod tinut pe limba. In mod similar creierul interpreteaza impulsurile electrice transmise, in aria vizuala a neocortexului, de catre o suprafata matriciala de electrozi drept imagini(s-a realizat inlocuirea ochiului la cei orbi cu o camera de luat vederi matriciala)
Exista doua strategii pt. vindecare:
1. Proteze (generatoare de impulsuri, implanturi care reproduc impulsurile generate de creier; implantarea de creiere artificiale).
In aceasta directie s-au realizat implanturi generatoare de impulsuri pt.maladiile care nu mai raspund nici macar la doze mari de medicamente (depresie, boala Parkinson, tulburari cardiace). Cercetarea pe care am realizat-o in aceasta directie m-a condus la metodele cunoscute si utilizate in preistorie pe intreaga planeta (Atlantida, Mu), metode care au fost pastrate si in Medicina Traditionala Chineza . Ma refer atat metodele de vindecare care utilizeaza contactul material direct: acupunctura, moxibustia, presopunctura, cat si la metode de vindecare fara contact, care au fost tinute secrete din motive lesne de inteles: qigong, reiki, campuri magnetice, orgonice si morphogenetice. In urma acestor cercetari am creat dispozitivul Qi MAGEN (care elimina dezavantajul generatoare de impulsuri implantate), unde termenul Qi, Chi sau Ki(in lb. japoneza) desemneaza energia vitala; vedeti detalii la siturile de mai jos :
Orice vector material(chimic) sau energetic(impulsuri externe sau interne) are un singur scop: transmiterea informatiei terapeutice.
Identitatea dintre materie(forma infasurata, potentiala, grosiera a energiei) si energie (forma libera, desfasurata, cinetica ) a fost demonstrata. Dar energia electromagnetica exista sub mai multe forme de polarizare; vedeti articolul despre erori comune asupra energiei vitale subtile: Prana, Chi, Qi, Ki, Mana, Orgon /Common errors on subtle vital energy Prana, Chi, Qi, Ki, Mana, Orgone; la adresa de mai jos:
O noua cale de a utiliza din afara stiinta implanturilor prin folosirea convertorilor de camp electromagnetic in campuri M (Morphogenetice, longitudinale, scalare), a caror eficienta a fost deja dovedita de catre dispozitivul Qi MAGEN creat de Mirahorian, campuri care nu sunt ecranate de incintele conductoare( corpul uman; cusca Faraday nu poate bloca campurile scalare, cele polarizate longitudinal (gravitatia) axial( timpul), si cele statice sau cu variatie lenta, precum campul magnetic terestru; o busola, inchisa intr-o cutie metalica, inca lucreaza).
Actuala varianta Qi MAGEN 2009 foloseste un convertor care genereaza 3 tipuri de semnale simultan: campuri M(morfogenetice, longitudinale si scalare) , impulsuri magnetice si acustice si tine cont de transmisia localizata si delocalizata prin corpul uman, vazut ca un dielectric [ in fizica cuantica, o parte a fotonului este localizata si o parte nonlocalizata, extinzandu-se in tot universul]
A new way to use the science of implants from outside due to M-Field Convertors used by QI MAGEN device created by Mirahorian(Faraday cages cannot block static and slowly varying magnetic fields, such as Earth's magnetic field (a compass will still work inside).
Qi MAGEN 2005( acest dispozitiv nu se mai fabrica de la sfarsitul lui 2005; aceasta varianta emitea numai 7 tipuri de impulsuri magnetice prin comutarea celor 3 butoane(apasate cate unul, cate doua, apasate simultan toate trei)
QI MAGEN 2006( acest dispozitiv nu se mai fabrica de la sfarsitul lui 2008, fiindca a fost cesionat; aceasta varianta emitea 99 tipuri de impulsuri magnetice);
Actuala varianta QI MAGEN 2009 utilizeaza pt stocarea si redarea impulsurilor un CD Player sau un MP4 Player si un convertor care genereaza trei tipuri de impulsuri simultan(acustice, magnetice si de energie vitala subtila: scalare, longitudinale si morfogenetice)
Teoria cuantica a campului recunoaste patru tipuri de polarizari ale energiei fotonului : dupa axa x- si/sau y-(foton transversal), dupa axa z-(foton longitudinal), si dupa axa timpului t-, (foton polarizat in timp sau foton scalar). Fotonul individual longitudinal sau scalar nu este observabil. Combinatia dintre un foton longitudinal si unul scalar este observabila sub forma aparitiei unui potential scalar instantaneu [F. Mandl and G. Shaw, Quantum Field Theory, Wiley, 1984, Chapter 5].
Aceste polarizari ale undelor electromagnetice sunt responsabile de reintoarcerea in timp a celulelor [de regenerare, de restabilirea sistemului imunitar; de vindecarea fracturilor osoase descoperita de Robert O. Becker, ("The significance of bioelectrical potentials," Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, Vol.1, 1974, p. 191.) unde s-au aplicat trei tipuri de semnale:
1. Semnal in curent continuu de f. mica intensitate (pico amperi);
"Apparatus for producing radiations penetrating living cells," U.S. Patent No. 3,368,155, Feb. 6, 1968.
"Method of producing radiations for penetrating living cells," U.S. Patent No. 3,280,816, Oct. 25, 1966.
"Procede et dispositif de production de rayonnements utilisables notamment pour le traitement de cellules vivantes,"; Procedure and Assemblage for Production of Radiation Especially Serviceable for the Treatment of Living Cells; Republique Francais Brevet d'Invention P.V. No. 899.414, No. 1,342,772, Oct. 7, 1963.]
"Stiinta medicala actuala analizeaza astfel de lucruri precum celulele canceroase, teratoma in termeni de biochimie si doar prin prisma modelului biochimic. Daca ne intoarcem insa la nivelul de baza al intregii chimii vom descoperi un ansamblu de sarcini si de distributie a sarcinilor electrice, impreuna cu campurile lor asociate". [T. E. Bearden, "Amplifying the cellular regenerative (healing) system of the body for treatment and healing of mass casualties, The "Porthole" Concept with technical background]
Istoria Qi Magen in Prezentarea Metodei de Relaxare Pilotata
Centrii de energie subtila(Chakra, Tantien) in diferite traditii de pe Terra/Subtle energy centers in various spiritual traditions on Earth: Chakra, Tantien
Vindecarea de la distanta folosind generatori de Qi(Ki,Chi)
The thickness of consistency of Qi power energy. Qi Density in this case is the ability to visualize and create an image of the effect that we are looking to create. Training for density right off the bat has its pluses and minuses, remember that when performing your Qi power training. You can and will limit your abilities by getting stuck on one particular technique or method at first. An example, a learned technique was pretty significant, where putting a candle flame out with my eyes would occur, this sounds cool and it does look pretty impressive, but it is a limited technique most people learn with little to no difficulty. Density places emotional content and intention to the energy or Qi so that you can manipulate with it.
Apasati pe imaginile de mai jos/click on each image below to see different sizes
Qi (Chi,Ch’i,Ki)- The vital energy that undergirds the manifested universe
Emotions are the strongest form of stimulation you can have. Love, anger, sadness, joy, and all other emotions add specialized mind intent that many practitioners talk about. Adding colors, candles, incense, hypnotic type pictures, and different flow patterns thickens up and increases the density of Qi. Being able to picture something in your head and adding all of the details as if you were looking at the item in person is one way to do it. This method works quite well. Most Qi power instructors that I know use it. The downside of it is if you are a type of person that is not visually oriented; you will have a hard time visualizing the results that you want. Have you ever heard this catch phrase?
Detailed Types of Qi and the Map of the Creation of Qi
The Mind moves the Qi, typically everyone that is involved in Qi power training has heard that statement and it is a very true statement. The only thing is what if you don't know what Qi is, or what it feels like, or looks like? The mind is an important part of the whole process-in the early stages of training you will have a limited connection between your mind and body. Density building helps you to bridge the gap so that your mind becomes stronger and can be used as a link to your body. The mind really can create and do anything that we want it to. It is just most of us limit our thinking to what we are taught in school and | or by parents, friends, and associates.
V. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can aQieve.
Adding density is being able to see the entire whole of what you are doing and quantifying it for your use. An example is that you create a picture of an object in your mind, but you see in your mind everything about it. You see the color, the size the shape the density, and the heaviness.
The density of Qi is everything you can see and believe. It is the canvas the artist uses to create a painting or clay that a sculptor uses to create the detailed human body. Qi is moved by the mind and the mind is moved by Qi. Qi can take up any form your mind imagines. Adding density is important to your Qi power. What you want to create is an unlimited potential. The mind and body were designed for far more greatness than most men could even imagine. It is the mind and body that have created all of the technology that we have today (only a century ago you would be called a nut to mention Qi).
Learning how to increase your Qi power enables you to be able to perform amazing skills, keep in mind you will naturally be getting an even better benefit from the added health benefits of Qi power training....more
Another direction in Qi circulation
Dr. Lo, a quantum physicist, is working to prove the existence of qi through quantitative, scientific means. The video was first screened at Dr. Lo's presentation to the Institute of Noetic Sciences for funding for his research.
Dr. Lo, a quantum physicist, is working to prove the existence of qi through quantitative, scientific means. The video was first screened at Dr. Lo's presentation to the Institute of Noetic Sciences for funding for his research.
Mantak Chia DVD Six Healing Sounds
Mantak Chia teaches how to transform negative energy from your organs to heal yourself and sustain your Life Force Chi(Qi).
Qigong Chi Kung: Six Healing Sounds
Qigong: Eight Piece Brocades Chi Kung
Shaolin Baduangin-(Chi-Kung Qi-Gong)
See also :
Quantum physics and Qi-Still an enigma to Science
While science is coming close with the understanding of gravity and nuclear forces, it has very little knowledge of life-force, or qi.
In my research, I did find one scientist that came up with something fascinating. Over 60 years ago, Anton Bovis, a French archaeologist-physicist, while doing research regarding the pyramids, noticed that there appeared to exist an energy phenomenon within the structures. He called it life-force, and proceeded to invent a method to measure it. Interestingly, this scale was able to also measure the life-force in various items such as food or water. This energy is also referred to as “biophotons”.
Over 60 years ago, Anton Bovis, a French archaeologist-physicist, noticed that there appeared to exist an energy phenomenon within the pyramids. – Reuters photo
It turns out that his method (called the Bovis Scale) measures the life-force according to the charge and spin of the atoms. Low life-force readings of 0 to 6,500 (Bovis Energy Units, BEU) are life-detracting, while those above 6,500 BEU are life-enhancing. The desired minimal energy level for humans is between 8,000 and 10,000 BEU. The Earth itself creates energy in the 7,000 to 18,000 BEU range.
Further, scientific research has correlated the clockwise or right spin of atoms and molecules with low energies of below 6,500 (i.e. life-depleting). Even our chromosomal DNA is a left turning spiral. In contrast, cancer cells are grossly mutated with DNA in a right-turning spiral.
So we have here another convergence of scientific knowledge and life-force or qi, and the mystery of qi and the healing effects of qigong will slowly but surely be better understood.